5. Demonstrative Pronouns

The Demonstrative Pronoun is used to point out a thing or a person. Demonstrative pronouns are this, that, these, and those. However, one has to exercise care when using demonstrative pronouns. The words this and that when used alone, are pronouns; when used with Nouns they are Adjectives.
EXAMPLE: This is what I heard from him. (Pronoun)
EXAMPLE: This car is still new. (Adjective, used before the Noun, car)
EXAMPLE: That is not something I like. (Pronoun)
EXAMPLE: That girl does look familiar. (Adjective, used before the Noun, girl)

We can replace that with the one.
EXAMPLE: Where is the bill that I handed to you this morning?
EXAMPLE: Where is the bill, the one I handed to you this morning?

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